At Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH) in Trail, clinicians are extremely grateful to TB Vets for a new ventilator that assists with difficult-to-ventilate airways. The Hamilton G5 Mechanical Ventilator replaces old respiratory equipment that was inferior in capabilities, and had reached the end of service date.
Funded by donors to TB Vets, the new ventilator comes with advanced software options and a cockpit that visualizes the patient’s respiratory pathways. It is the first ventilator to provide support in an intuitive way, helping improve treatment outcomes for most severely ill patients.
The new respiratory equipment is used primarily in the hospital’s ICU for patients requiring invasive and non-invasive ventilation, regardless of their lung disease. It’s only with the generous support of donors that TB Vets is able to fulfill the current needs of BC’s respiratory frontline and help ensure a safe, effective and high-quality response in any emergency situation.
Having state-of-the-art medical equipment allows our staff to deliver the highest standards of care with confidence. For this, we thank you.
Dr. Scot Mountain, KBRH ICU Medical Director, and;
Greg Rollins, KB Respiratory Services Practice Leader
*Topmost Photo: KBRH Respiratory Therapist Stacey Cooper with the Hamilton G5 Mechanical Ventilator from TB Vets, Summer 2021